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Elop subsequently abandoned Nokia’s homegrown operating systems—most notably Symbian—in favor of Windows Phone, before selling the bulk of the firm to Microsoft. image caption Stephen Elop was at Microsoft before taking over Nokia in September 2010 Nokia's new head has sent an outspoken and frank memo to his staff that suggests the phone giant is in crisis. 2014-07-21 · Using Mr. Elop's memo as a model, here's how to write a crappy, insensitive announcement to people who are looking to you for leadership: 1. Stephen Elop's email to employees July 17, 2014 .

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2011 — Det kom en föraning i mitten på förra veckan, då ett osande memo från nye Nokiachefen Stephen Elop läckte ut på nätet. Innehållet var så  28 maj 2013 — detta Microsoft Office-chefen Stephen Elop tog över rollen som ledare för Nokia skrev han ett uppriktigt och välformulerat memo till anställda,  När kanadensaren och före detta Microsoft Office-chefen Stephen Elop tog över rollen som ledare för Nokia skrev han ett uppriktigt och välformulerat memo till  26 sep. 2013 — Stephen Elop började sin karriär på Nokia genom att skicka ut ett internt memo med rubriken ”Burning Platform” där han argumenterade för att  Jag kanske läser in för mycket i hur Stephen Elop, tidigare VD för Nokia och nu chef Satya Nadella, Microsoft's recently appointed CEO, revealed in a memo to​  göra Android-telefoner för ett tag sedan, och det verkar som att Stephen Elop, Det är åtminstone det man kan tolka från ett nyligen internt memo från Stephen. 3 sep. 2013 — Nokias senaste vd Stephen Elop kom ju direkt från Microsoft… 2010, och skapade direkt rabalder genom att internt memo som läckte.

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Stephen Elop (born 31 December 1963) is a Canadian businessman who most recently worked at Australian telecom company Telstra from April 2016. In the past he had worked for Nokia as the first non-Finn CEO and later as Executive Vice President, Devices & Services, as well as the head of the Microsoft Business Division, as the COO of Juniper Networks, as the president of worldwide field 2018-02-15 · For example, the vilification that Stephen Elop received on receiving a "$26m payoff" was completely unwarranted, the authors conclude, since the figure (and much of the reporting) was wildly inaccurate. If you want an American CEO, they point out, you need to pay an American CEO's compensation.

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Androidbesten Grand Memo som åtminstone i storlek är storslagen. 16 aug. 2012 — Norrköpingsbon Memo Crescendo är producenten bakom Panetoz jättehit Nokia har inte bekräftat tidpunkten, men bolagets vd Stephen Elop  Analytiker sade att affären var en större vinst för Microsoft än Nokia, vars vd Stephen Elop i ett läckt memo den här veckan jämförde sitt företag med en  Stephen Elop, Microsoft-mannen som gick till Nokia och ledde den tillbaka till Det var Elops "brännande plattforms memo" som skyndade på att Symbian  I sitt memo sa Microsoft att förändringarna kommer att hjälpa till att bygga i Stephen Elop är mest känd för att lämna Microsoft för Nokia, och sedan ta med det  I september förra skickade Ballmer ett memo till alla händer som meddelade Stephen Elop kommer tillbaka till Microsoft, och han kommer att leda ett utvidgat​  I ett fantastiskt memo läckt till Engadget liknar Nokia VD Stephen Elop det finska företaget till en oljearbetare i Nordsjön väckt under mitten av natten för att finna  I ett fantastiskt memo läckt till Engadget liknar Nokia VD Stephen Elop det finska företaget till en oljearbetare i Nordsjön väckt under mitten av natten för att finna  Stephen Elop har ju kontakter kvar på Microsoft och sätter sig ner med både musik, memo, röstmemo, e-post, samtalsloggar, telefonnummer, kalenderobjekt,​  This is the text of an memo sent by the then Nokia CEO Stephen Elop to all staff in February, 2011. The memo outlined the perilous situation facing the company that was once the world's leading mobile phone company. Microsoft later acquired Nokia and brought Elop onboard. Overnight, Microsoft announced he was moving on. This is just one of many, many pieces of stark knowledge allegedly dropped by recently-appointed Nokia CEO Stephen Elop -- formerly of Microsoft -- in a roughly 1,300-word memo to the company's Here's the full text of Elop's "Burning Platform" memo: There is a pertinent story about a man who was working on an oil platform in the North Sea. He woke up one night from a loud explosion, which Here's the full text of Nokia CEO Stephen Elop's "Burning Platform" memo, which bemoans missed opportunities and identifies multiple strategic challenges to the mobile phone company.

Stephen Elop In case you missed it, Stephen Elop, the executive VP of Microsoft's Devices & Services business unit, recently buried the announcement of a 12,000-person layoff in an embarrassingly A memo speech, subsequently posted on Nokia's internal blog, from Nokia's new chief executive Stephen Elop warning the staff that it is "standing on a burning platform" has leaked from the company In his commentary on Elop’s email, New York magazine’s Kevin Roose points out that this sounds more like “the start to a bad OKCupid message” than a salutation in a business memo, let Some time in early 2011, Elop issued a company internal memo titled "Burning Platform" which was leaked to the press. The memo likened the 2010 situation of Nokia, in the smartphone market, to a person standing on a burning oil platform (" platform " being a reference to the name given to operating systems such as Symbian , Apple iOS and Google Android ). The memo describes in brutal terms how Elop saw Nokia's business — as an oil rig that's on fire, forcing workers to jump into the North Sea. Clinging to a "burning platform" only means certain Barely 10 days old, Stephen Elop’s “Hello there” memo has already become a classic example of how not to fire people. It is a 1,110-word document stiff with “appropriate financial Stephen Elop only mentioned job cuts about two-thirds of the way through a 1,1000-word memo to staff. Photograph: Markku Ulander/AFP/Getty Images A memo speech, subsequently posted on Nokia's internal blog, from Nokia's new chief executive Stephen Elop warning the staff that it is "standing on a burning platform" has leaked from the company Soon after his appointment Elop sent the defining email of his career, the ‘Burning Platforms’ internal memo to his staff.
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2012 — Sedan kom VD Stephen Elops interna men snabbt läckta memo om att Nokias (Mer om det i Tomi Ahonens inlägg om Elop-effekten). A., MOSS 3.2, Memo UTC/GI/DI/N 111, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne​, Goh /toh, Multimedia Laboratory, Coqwrate Research & De1·elop Center, Toshiba Uni1·ersity College, Nonmy; and Stephen \\ht/and, Leeds Unil·ersity​,  1 feb.

Nokia’s new CEO Stephen Elop has written a remarkable memo to his Nokia employees–who, a few years ago, were comfortably working for the most successful cell-phone maker in the world.

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Full text: Nokia CEO Stephen Elop's 'burning platforms' memo This is the text of an memo sent by the then Nokia CEO Stephen Elop to all staff in February, 2011. The memo describes in brutal terms how Elop saw Nokia's business — as an oil rig that's on fire, forcing workers to jump into the North Sea. Clinging to a "burning platform" only means certain Nokia CEO Stephen Elop Memo 1. Hello there,There is a pertinent story about a man who was working on anoil platform in the North Sea. He woke up one night from a loudexplosion, which suddenly set his entire oil platform on fire. Inmere moments, he was surrounded by flames.

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Microsoft said it would cut up to 18,000 jobs over the next 2014-07-17 2020-06-04 2015-06-17 Nokia CEO Stephen Elop rallies troops in brutally honest ‘burning platform’ memo?